Search Results for: fall

Transfer a Credit Card Balance: How I Saved Over $6,000 Playing the Balance Transfer Game

Transfer a Credit Card Balance: How I Saved Over $6,000 Playing the Balance Transfer Game

Are you struggling with high-interest credit card debt? If so, transferring your balance to a new card with a lower interest rate could be a smart financial move. A balance transfer can help you pay off your debt faster and save you money on interest charges. However, before you jump into a balance transfer, it’s…

39 of the Best Financial Tips to Start the New Year in 2024
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39 of the Best Financial Tips to Start the New Year in 2024

The new year is here and I’m sure you’re ready to get started on your resolutions. Typically people are focusing on their weight, especially after two holidays of eating good food. I know I could lose a few pounds after this holiday break. More importantly, some are focusing their goals on their finances and I…

6 Money Mistakes You Need to Avoid in Your 60s and Retirement
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6 Money Mistakes You Need to Avoid in Your 60s and Retirement

You have finally reached the light at the end of the tunnel! It’s time to retire and enjoy the fruits of your labor. As you near retirement, there is another batch of money mistakes to avoid so you can afford to remain retired. By using your experience from your working years, you should be able…

6 Money Mistakes You Need to Avoid in Your 30s
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6 Money Mistakes You Need to Avoid in Your 30s

As you enter your 30s, you have probably experienced the transition in life from a single, carefree college grad to getting serious about your future by “settling down” to start a family and paying your dues at work to get the next promotion. While you hopefully avoided these money pitfalls in your 20s, there is…

5 Money Mistakes You Should Not Make in Your 20s
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5 Money Mistakes You Should Not Make in Your 20s

There is a lot of advice out there to tell you what you “should” do with your money, but we’re going to show you what you “shouldn’t” do with you money. Especially when you’re just starting out in the workforce and you’re in your 20s. This is a time you need to be focusing on…