Search Results for: best

Top 6 Best Budgeting Apps for 2024: Time to Get Your Finances In Check!

Top 6 Best Budgeting Apps for 2024: Time to Get Your Finances In Check!

In 2023, managing finances has become easier than ever with the help of budgeting apps. These apps can help users track their expenses, set financial goals, and create budgets to achieve those goals. With so many budgeting apps available, it can be overwhelming to choose the right one. However, by comparing features and user reviews,…

The Best Online Savings Accounts in 2024 – Where to Stash Your Cash

The Best Online Savings Accounts in 2024 – Where to Stash Your Cash

The secret to becoming wealthy is spending less than you earn, but what do you with that extra money? You can keep it under your mattress or a free checking account. However, you might not earn passive income with either of these two options so you can make money while sleep. Instead, you should consider…

8 Best Investing Tools to Become a Successful Investor

8 Best Investing Tools to Become a Successful Investor

We all know that the secret to becoming a successful investor, you must “buy low and sell high.” But if you’re like most investors, you don’t always know when it’s a good time to buy a particular investment. With the best investing tools, you can easily make sound investments that help you build long-term wealth…

39 of the Best Financial Tips to Start the New Year in 2024
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39 of the Best Financial Tips to Start the New Year in 2024

The new year is here and I’m sure you’re ready to get started on your resolutions. Typically people are focusing on their weight, especially after two holidays of eating good food. I know I could lose a few pounds after this holiday break. More importantly, some are focusing their goals on their finances and I…

Simple Savings Sunday – The Lowest Price Isn’t Always the Best Price

Simple Savings Sunday – The Lowest Price Isn’t Always the Best Price

Welcome to another edition of Simple Savings Sunday! I love these little tidbits of savings advice as much as the next person. I really do!  Today is going to be one that might confuse some of you and it’s about shopping for the lowest price. Now, I’m not saying shopping for the “best” price, but…

Should You Pay Cash or Finance Your Next Vehicle?

Should You Pay Cash or Finance Your Next Vehicle?

There are so many words of advice about purchasing a car that I wanted to throw my hat in the ring as well.  The reason I want to do this is because I have a little different view point about purchasing a car.  I don’t disagree with the other view points as I think they are valid, but I just have a little twist in how I see it.  As stated time and time again, finance decisions like this are personal and you have to make the best financial decision based on you.

Transfer a Credit Card Balance: How I Saved Over $6,000 Playing the Balance Transfer Game

Transfer a Credit Card Balance: How I Saved Over $6,000 Playing the Balance Transfer Game

Are you struggling with high-interest credit card debt? If so, transferring your balance to a new card with a lower interest rate could be a smart financial move. A balance transfer can help you pay off your debt faster and save you money on interest charges. However, before you jump into a balance transfer, it’s…